Mission statement

In today's society a lot of people have many negative views in regards to smoking , criticizing the personal choices that some people have made . My goal is to tear down that negative perception and prejudice that people have formed around others' personal decisions . I wanna make it clear that I don't want to promote smoking i want to promote the alternative lifestyle those have , and attempt to push people to respect others' personal choices and decisions. supplying those in the community with high quality clothes and something to represent/identify with and get rid of the negative connotations many have today


At Geekd, every piece of clothing is meticulously handcrafted by me, ensuring the highest level of quality. In an industry where mass production can sometimes compromise consistency, I take great pride in personally overseeing every step of the manufacturing process. From the printing of designs to the adhesion techniques used, I prioritize precision and care. Occasionally, I collaborate with close friends to help uphold the exceptional standards that our customers expect, making sure each product meets our rigorous quality control.